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Suara Difabel Mandiri (SDM)

Profil Achmad Fathul Iman (Pendiri Suara Difabel Mandiri)

Achmad Fathul Iman (Pendiri Suara Difabel Mandiri (SDM)


Profil Achmad Fathul Iman (Pendiri Suara Difabel Mandiri)

Achmad Fathul Iman (Imansajala) is Founder and director Suara Difabel Mandiri (SDM)/ Independent Disability Voice &  Difabelmall. He is Social entrepreneur who is passionate with disability, Youth and education. He is currently leading a project in developing business with disability on  #difabelmall in Jombang, East Java. He also like so much with microfinance and started in 2016 he became supervisor of Credit Union Semangat Warga.

Activities :

  • A credit union is a member-owned financial cooperative, democratically controlled by its members, and operated for the purpose of promoting thrift, providing credit at competitive rates, and providing other financial services to its members. we have managed more than US$ 298 thousands and served 1000 + credit-worthy borrowers from low-income families. I’m responsible for financial and building the strategic planning of the company you can click the website

3. Founder Difabemall is online store to sell difabel (special need people) products. It is one of program by NGo Suara Difabel Mandiri (SDM) organization or difabel independent Voice in Jomban, East Java Indonesia.

4. Teacher And Vice Principle

Muhammadiyah Special Need Senior High School of Jombang (SMALB Muhammadiyah Jombang).

4. Data Manager

Dates EmployedJan 2014 – Mar 2016

LocationJombang, east Java, Indonesia

Jombang Care Center (JCC) is NGO aims to prevent HIV AIDS in Jombang, east Java. my responsibility as Data Manager are :
– Manage all incoming data files
– Review data for inconsistencies or anomalies that could skew analytical results
– Maintain our databases and conduct routine maintenance as needed to ensure data integrity
– Report data to Director of NGo, Commission AIDS prevention and The Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA)

Communicate with Property Managers about data changes or requirements
Generate and review documentation for all database changes or refinements
Make recommendations for software, hardware and data storage upgrades

5. Academic Fellow YSEALI 2015

Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI)

Dates Employed Aug 2015 – Dec 2015

YSEALI is U.S. President Barack Obama’s signature programme to strengthen leadership development and networking in Southeast Asia. YSEALI seeks to build the leadership capabilities of youth in the region and nurture an ASEAN community. Since the inception of YSEALI, I have been selected to represent Indonesia at various U.S. funded exchange programmes, both as a participant and youth mentor. I was personally invited to attend a town hall meeting conducted by President Barack Obama while he was in Malaysia in 2014 and 2015.

* YSEALI Academic Fellow at Connecticut University (Uconn), United States and university for Peace (UPEACE), Costa Rica

I was one of the 4 Indonesian representative to participate in YSEALI Institute on Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. The programme is fully funded by the U.S. Department of State and was hosted by The University of Connecticut and partnered with United Nations mandated University for Peace (UPEACE). For UPEACE university I studied Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change. 21 student leaders from 10 ASEAN countries had the opportunity to learn how to use entrepreneurial skills to address global and local challenges, develop leadership and collective problem-solving skills and deepen our understanding of the United States by exploring the principles of democracy and fundamental American values such as individual rights, freedom of expression, pluralism and tolerance, Culture and volunteerism.

* Chief of Social Entrepreneurship and social change of YSEALI Summit 2015

I am a chief of Social Entrepreneurship and social change department of YSEALI Summit 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I conducted 6 social entrepreneur (Indonesia, Laos, Philippines,Myanmar). we also made a program for sustainability program of ASEAN.

Education Background

Field Of Study Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Social Change

Dates attended or expected graduation 2015 – 2016

Activities and Societies:

Certificate (Fellowship- professional Training), entrepreneurship, product/ideas innovation & social change . Full scholarship

University of Connecticut

Field Of StudySocial Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Dates attended or expected graduation2015 – 2015

Certificate (Fellowship- professional Training), Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development . Full scholarship


Degree NameS.Pd

Field Of Study Education Department

Dates attended or expected graduation2010 – 2015


11 Honors & Awards

  • ·         Youth Education Ambassador of Jombang, East Java. 
  • Most Inspiring Teacher for Special Need education 2019 in Jombang, East Java
  • Representative of Indonesia in Asia Pasific Change Maker x change 2019 in Singapore
  • 1st Runner up Youth Pioneer Ambassador in Education of East Java province. Indonesia
  • Most Inspiring Teacher for Special Need education 2018 in Jombang
  • Youth Education Ambassador of Jombang, East Java.
  • Eagle Award Documentary Movie Competition on Metro TV Indonesia
  • Top 5 actor of documentary Movie of Eagle Award Metro TV 2016
  • Social Entrepreneurship Award
  • Runner Up, Most Inspiring Teacher for Special Need education 2015
  • The most Inspiring Youth IYC 2014

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